Tuesday, February 27, 2007

So what day of the week is it?

I sometimes differ from others about how to refer to days of the week.

To put in context, I refer to the week we are currently in as "this week", the week to follow as "next week" and the week just past as "last week". With me so far?

So, for example, if I wanted to refer to Friday of this week (i.e. 3/2/07) I would say "this Friday", Friday of next week would be "next Friday" and Friday of last week would be "last Friday". Still following?

Now that seems perfectly logical to me. However, others will refer to Friday of this week as "next Friday" because chronologically it is the next Friday in the calendar. I can't really fault that logic either.

You can see how this may cause a problem. I say to my friend "let's do lunch next Friday" and we turn up on different days.

So I was just curious to know what YOU would say. Is my logic totally out of kilter with the way everyone else thinks or is this a common difference in approach?


brownie said...

Drink for whining!

Tiffany said...

Is this an S.A.T. question?

If so, I would like multiple choice.