Friday, February 23, 2007

A kid or a dog?

Dh & I have often talked about having a kid. Apart from the fact I think I am too old, I'm not sure I would cope well with the lifestyle change. The alternative maybe is to get a dog but I am not really a dog lover so I don't think that is the answer either.

So I am looking for some help in making my decision. Maybe some photos of the endearing creatures would help....

Aghhhh!! Is that what I would have to deal with? Now I'm scared, really scared. I am such a tidy freak (typical virgo). I need your help. Please vote in my poll.
Should I have a kid or get a dog?
Dog free polls


Outdoorgirl said...

Well dogs are kind of like kids, but you don’t have to save up for a college fund before they start walking. I think you should get a dog first, but if you do, and you are a tidy freak, buy one from the K-9 Prison Program. I know that saving a mutt is really important but these dogs from the K-9 program are rescued dogs too and they come fully trained. I have a kick ass dog that will not eat one thing in the house. She is great. She is a really good running partner too. She will do 6 miles with me easy. Check out their web site. Hey maybe you can get a trained rescue dog!

Impala Mama said...

I think if you are trying to decide between getting a dog or having a baby, you probably actually need something else. How about a beautiful tropical vacation with your DH and giving an extra donation to a non-profit (like a nice elementary school) The vacation will renew your spirit and you can enjoy it bc you don't have kids, which is perfectly ok! The donation will allow you a tax break (just as a child would) and you can still be making a very positive influence on the future without altering your home, body, and mind. (as the kiddos would do.) Good luck in whatever you decide!

brownie said...

C-4, have you been smoking weed again?

Tiffany said...

Oh my goodness- those pictures are terrible! My first thought when I look at them both is, "I'm gonna kick the sh*t out of that little f*cker!"

Guess I am not ready for either...
Maybe I will try a plant first :)

Late Nite Drive Thru said...

start with a dog first - at least if you can't handle the stress you can always give it away

and no, I'm not cold-blooded - just realistic...