Friday, March 16, 2007

5k on St Patricks Day

My goals for the 5k tomorrow are:

1. To run under 26 mins (last year I ran 26:01).

2. To win the Athena Class (last year I came second and was 20 secs off the winner).

I have been running much more then last year but I am currently 4 lbs heavier then I was last year which may take it's toll. On Tuesday night at Jack Quinn's I ran 5k in 26:30. I was running hard but did have a little more in me, plus my legs were aching from 3 consecutive days running. So I have not run since Tuesday to rest my legs (although I have biked to work, done a muscles class and played basketball!!). But hopefully my running muscles will be rested on Saturday and I can achieve my goals.

Good luck to Brownie in his Zeb Pike marathon tomorrow and also to Dani in her first half marathon with no training. Girl, I always thought you were crazy, now I know it for sure!!


brownie said...

Yeah, good luck tomorrow! With the training you've been doing you should try to break 25 if not 24. And be careful, or you'll run into the Kimchi hash down there...

Catwoman said...

That's possible as we are meeting up with my work crowd for the parade followed by much drinking downtown.